10x10 Mini Capsule: January - Winter Looks

It's no secret that my wardrobe focuses mainly on simple clothes in neutral colors. There's a lot of white, beige, and taupe in it, but not because I'm following current trends or trying to keep my blog or social media in a specific aesthetic. Clothes in neutral and earth-tone colors are just something I genuinely like and enjoy wearing daily.

When I started my journey with a capsule wardrobe challenge a few years ago, my main goal was to simplify my everyday life. And yes, I have to admit that clothes in neutral colors have made my morning routine easier. Finally, I don't waste time figuring out which clothes work together. When it comes to winter, I love wearing a lot of beige, creamy white, grey, taupe, or something completely opposite - monochrome all-black outfits. And no matter what I pull out of my wardrobe, I'm able to create a simple, effortless look in less than three minutes. Also, I noticed a big difference in my savings. Neutral colors give me countless combination possibilities. I don't buy clothes so often anymore because I can build lots of new outfits from the pieces I already have in my wardrobe.

But, does a capsule closet always have to be built only with neutral colors like black, white, and beige? No, no, and once again, no! :) A capsule wardrobe does not have to be limited to a neutral color palette. It should be a reflection of your style aesthetic, but also your lifestyle and personality. It should be based only on clothes that you like to wear, in which you feel comfortable and confident. If you like pastels (or something more saturated) and you feel good in them, you should have such shades in your wardrobe. It also applies to neutral colors - don't let anyone tell you that such a wardrobe is too simple or boring. However, If you like colors but are not sure which shades work best with your skin tone, hair, and eyes, you may want to consider a professional color analysis consultation. If you've only worn whites, beige, or blacks for a long time, be sure to bring more intense colors slowly into your wardrobe. Before each new purchase, consider whether this is something you like and need, how many outfits you will be able to create with this item, etc. And, if you are still not sure if the color you like works for you, instead of an expensive purchase (coat, bag), at first try to choose only some accessories like a silky scarf or belt.

Clothing Items & Accessories

Today, I prepared some outfit inspirations and created ten simple winter looks using only ten clothing pieces (including shoes) in neutral colors. I love creating blog posts from the 10x10 challenge series! Although I have been following the rule of less is more when building my wardrobe for a long time, I am still discovering new ideas on how to style the clothes I already have.
And yes, I know from my own experience that sometimes it may not be practical to choose light colors during winter. Especially when talking about trousers and high-quality sweaters that may require dry cleaning (which is quite expensive). Therefore, in my next post, I will share how I try to take care of my cashmere and woolen clothes, so they always look neat.

What I chose:

1. Black coat - IVY & OAK

2. Puffer coat - UNIQLO

3. White shirt - MANGO

4. Black rollneck - H&M Premium

5. Striped sweater - H&M Premium

6. Beige sweater - H&M Premium

7. Cream jeans - MANGO

8. Stirrup leggings - MANGO

9. Black boots - MANGO

10. Snow boots - H&M Premium


How I Take Care of my Sweaters


Why Did I Decide on a Low-buy Year?